v1 (103K)

Welcome To The



(But Why Should They, If No One Knows Who They Are?)

v2 (38K) Hello, and welcome to the chucktrevino.com Venting Page!  This will be the first in a never-ending series of "return-fire" editorials through which I intend to vent my rage, outrage, inrage, and supreme disgust in the general direction of a few outrageously and supremely disgusting "high class" vermin who seem to really get off on polluting the airwaves of Southern California, the United States of America, and apparently the entire world (via streaming internet) with their perpetually tasteless, embarrassingly low-class and self-loathingly mean oratory antics.

ct- who me (61K) (NOTE:  I already know what the "SS/DG People" and the "IWM" [a new Charles acronym which will be fully spelled out later] are going to immediately start implying, via their media puppets:  "When is somebody gonna' shoot this guy dead, already?"  Ho hum; no matter them.  These faceless, nameless bastards and their indirect directives mean absolutely nothing to me;  I can honestly say that I know these people inside out, outside in, backwards, forwards and upside-down, as I have been an unwilling witness to the cultural mayhem they have wreaked upon society for decades now, and let me repeat myself:  their fecal low-life opinions are good for absoluely NOTHING!  And no one should listen to them.

Ok, first things first:  let us begin with a certain Los Angeles, California based classical music radio station, the only full-time classical music radio station in existence in the L.A. area, a station that likes to advertise itself as a positive, up-front, responsible and by no means sick beacon of hope, respectability, righteousness and most of all integrity, and claims to be "making Southern California a better place to live."  Huh?  Wot?  (???)

Ludwig (67K) Actually, if my memory serves me (and it still does... sometimes), there used to be not one but two full-time classical music radio stations in my locality, which enabled listeners to switch back and forth between stations if they so desired; this offered us a splendid opportunity to listen to mostly commercial-free, wonderful, beautiful, uplifting classical music from immortals with names like Ludwig Van Beethoven, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Frederick Chopin, Johann Sebastian Bach, etc.  In other words, I used to be able to lean over and hit my pre-set buttons to quickly silence any repulsively demented A-hole (yes, that's a capital "A" there, folks) radio announcer who thought nothing of breaching the standards of decency and propriety that used to exist sometime back in a distant, pleasant, rose-scented past, a somewhat more "innocent" era which has been surreptitiously shot to hell by a disgusting synthesis of people(?) whom I shall hereinafter refer aptly to as "The Insane Hyena Posse" (as well as a few other choice names... read on).

v4 (44K) I am not trying to be vindictive here;  this little unpleasantry is only intended to shock a few smug, self-deluding, cretinous, reprehensible, and unpleasantly odorous looney-toons into thinking twice about accepting rewards from drooling, fecal-faced, invisible and (so they think) invincible scumbucket non-entities in exchange for reading (from scripts) and broadcasting (apparently for the whole world's ears to hear) foul, undesirable and unacceptable veiled and not-so-veiled insults, innuendoes and propaganda, words that should have no place on a publicly-broadcast medium.

So then!  Let's get on with it.  I'm going to talk about some "disc jockeys" with names like... hmmmm, let me think a sec... ok, we shall start with the two worst offenders, namely... actually, it's kind of hard to choose which one of these characters to start with, as they are almost equally repugnant!  So I'm going to flip a coin and let chance decide for me; heads I win, tails you lose.  Ready?  FLIP!

Jim Svejda-2 (97K) WELL!  WELLY  WELLY  WELLY  WELLY!  It looks like we're going to start off with the extremely eloquent Jim Svejda!  Pronounced "Sha Vey Duh" for those of you who can't read, um... well, who knows what language?  Who cares?  Let me tell you a few things about this very noble personage:  First of all, this classic SS/DG puppet will say just about anything his demented master-cylinder jerk employers tell him to!  This includes regular insults to irritable, ethnocentric but genius artists like Richard Wagner, such as the one I just heard a few minutes ago which sounded something like this:  "Richard Wagner is a loathsome monster, one of the worst people that ever lived" and "Leonard Bernstein said he hates Wagner on his knees!"  (or something like that...)  This is when he's not busy aggrandizing, lionizing, and over-playing other irritable artists such as Felix Mendelssohn.  I believe I also heard Svejda mention the illustrious name of one of his personal friends, whom he quoted as saying to his worst enemy "may you be trapped watching Parsifal without a sandwich!"  In other words, Mendelssohn and Svejda's very immortal friend are better than Wagner!  Ok.  He also annoys me by constantly praising the Saul Zaentz movie Amadeus, which made a mockery of the man Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart really was (Zaentz portrayed Mozart as a rude, arrogant, egotistical big-mouth with an insanely silly high-pitched laugh, just in case you've never seen the movie).  Who else does Svejda insult?  I'll be getting to that in a little bit.

The second thing you really ought to know is that every word this guy utters is written out on a cue card, whose contents are actually penned by some crazy unknown fool who shamelessly uses a thesaurus to make Svejda look, well... smarter than he actually is!  How do I know this?  Well, go ahead and listen to this guy's show, and then try to tell me this isn't so... I think you're going to agree with me:  no one talks like that off the top of their head, people.

Ok, so he reads from a script... so what, you say?  You're right!  There is nothing wrong with a radio announcer reading his lines from a cue card... as long as he doesn't say anything mean and offensive!  Actually, this custom may have been established to prevent a careless radio announcer from saying something untoward which might greatly offend his listeners, thus driving them away from a well-meaning radio station bent on entertaining it's listeners and providing profits for it's advertisers, who actually pay for all this good stuff; this is perfectly ok with me.  But there's something funny going on here, folks... it seems that this cautious practice has been entirely turned around 180 degrees from what it was originally intended to do, that is not offend any listeners...

Crow Indian (95K) I'm not going to pull any punches here; I have heard this Svejda marionette say things so indefensibly mean and offensive (but only to non-SS/DG, non-IWM, non-A-hole listeners it would seem), and have heard him read, from his anonymously prepared script, some of the most blatantly extreme, venomous political propaganda (oftentimes using a tone so full of invective one would think he was addressing someone who had just murdered his mother) that I've ever actually heard on a music radio station.  Sadly, some of his favorite targets of abuse are Native Americans (or "Injuns" as some less, um, verbally fluent IWM's or SS/DG's like to call them) who offended this nice guy and his people so badly (after all, they scalped his ancestors, didn't they? [in truths, people-oids, the infamous taking of scalps was something that was actually started by the IWM, who needed Injun scalps to prove that he had really killed a bunch of Injuns in order to collect his bounty reward -- the true origin of this nice practice was later turned around and attributed to the "savages"]) that Scha-vey-duh now feels he must devote a lot of his time at KUSC (USC being his alma mater, I suppose) to berating, belittling, and demoralizing said Injuns, no doubt in order to keep them from leaving their generously endowed reservations and scalping even more innocent people.  If you think I'm inventing all this, I would strongly suggest that you tune in to KUSC on any New Year's Eve, a celebratory night upon which, for some mysterious reason, the highly educated and unquestionably good people of KUSC see fit to "roast" these scalp-taking savages (figuratively speaking, of course; they don't actually burn them alive as some of their "freedom fighting" ancestors did!).  Go ahead, give KUSC a listen on any New Year's Eve and see if I'm lyin' or truthin' (aw, they're probably gonna' stop it now, at least for a little while -- which might be a good thing!  It would actually make the human race look less... inhuman).

J.S. Bach-1 (79K) Oh well, who really cares about Injuns, their feelings, and the possibility that some of them might actually find comfort in the beautiful music of the classics?  Who cares if perhaps it might help them forget that so many of the IWM have been taught to hate and ridicule them, people like American President Andrew Jackson, who approved of such dirty deeds done dirt cheap (incidentally, Jackson was the president who successfully dismantled the third American central bank [which was actually called the Second Bank of the United States] in 1836, surviving an assassination attempt in the process -- more on that little matter later)?  Actually folks, if I keep on talking like this people are going to think I'm part Injun -- which, actually, I am!  (Also part African, part Basque, part Alien... who knows what I am?  Your guess is as good as mine.)  Which reminds me, it's time to move on to another abjectly willing marionette (or so it would seem from the way he talks)... ok, we'll come back to Svejda later.  This I Promise You!

Rich Caperella-2 (23K) Now let's consider Svejda's illegitimate son (heh-heh), the very "hip" Rich Caperella!  Actually, I haven't really checked Caperella's lineage... I'm just assuming this is so, given the equally sordid nature of his utterances.  Why, just this morning around five a.m. (September 17, 2018 for posterity) I personally heard this guy play a goofy little one-minute piece of "classical" music, after which he quickly and joyfully exclaimed, "that was a little song of unknown origin (?) called "The Moorish Dog!" (did somebody just mention something about being part African?)  I hate to say it folks, but Caperella and a lot of his KUSC co-workers are constantly doing sick things like that.  Ok, yeah, I know he works for USC, a school which has been accused, perhaps unjustly, of tolerating "teachers" who make blatantly racist remarks to a "captive" audience -- their students!  So let's set that one aside for now, and take a look at his... CAR TOONS!  His anti-road-rage CAR TOONS!

Mozart-1 (54K) Every day for several years, starting from the first day he replaced a very professional real radio announcer named Steve Plott (to my extreme displeasure, as Plott was one of the only KUSC radio announcers I've ever heard who never said anything offensive at all [which undoubtedly was the reason for his dismissal from KUSC forever, and his usurpation by this more suitable Caperella fella] and was a person I could trust to play beautiful music without ruining it for me) and lasting up until his recent replacement by a much nicer radio announcer, Caperella willingly and enthusiastically spewed out, in his less than palatable voice, these cryptic words:  "It's time for your anti-road-rage song, your... CAR TOON!  (Don't forget to inflect those two words, Rich!  Don't want to lose your cushy job, now do you?)  Why do his(?) words make me ill?  To understand the answer to that question, you first have to understand the sick mind of another American pillar, the great genius cartoon-movie maker Steven Spielberg!   Let me attempt to explain this statement.

Hendrix-2 (64K) As you may or may not have noticed, this Spielberg pillar (who may soon find himself turned into a pillar of salt) doesn't seem to like non-white people... especially people whom he deems to be "purple," that is, people who have African blood in their make-up (they must not look as good on his big silver screen as bronzed beauties like Tom Hanks or Meryl Streep -- Spielberg is extremely superficial, people-oids!).  Some victims of his insanity include the legendary rock guitarist and composer Jimi Hendrix, as well as the very SS/DG-media battered Whoopi Goldberg (whom I believe Spielberg himself launched on her successful, if not entirely kind career [I have personally witnessed numerous blatant, undisguisedly sadistic media attacks on Goldberg that make me question why God even created the "human" race], as well as the people who originally tried to bring you "Amistad", a story of a boat-load of ill-treated kidnapped African people who somehow freed themselves, over-powered their captors, took control of their slave-ship and tried to sail it back to Africa, but were eventually captured again (they were then set free by the young American Supreme Court); Spielberg, in a magnificent display of SS/DG power, simply took over this story (for reasons unknown to anyone but me) and made his own movie, which I have never seen.  I don't like Steven Spielberg movies, People-oids... believe it or not.

chopin (89K) Aw crap, I'm getting sick to my stomach just thinking about this legendary car-toonist and his "people!"  But where was I?  Oh yeah, CAR TOONS!  Did you happen to see that extremely funny movie "Roger Rabbit," in which cartoon characters were ingeniously mixed in with human characters?  Well, the SS/DG people "ingeniously" used that opportunity to try, frenetically, to popularize the word "toon" in order to describe those unfortunate people who wouldn't look as good on the big screen as, say, a natural beauty such as Clint Eastwood, Spielberg's idea of the perfect human being (in fact, on a Spielberg beauty scale of 1 to 10, Eastwood would score the coveted 10, whereas someone who looks more like... well, like Charles would score a less flattering "1"... or perhaps a "0.").  Tragically, their nice little "toon" ploy didn't succeed all that well, which is a credit to the human race... although you might think it did, if you saw all the SS/DG movies that employed the word "toon."  I saw it used in several movies, and I don't really like to watch movies, at least not the more blatantly SS/DG movies.  These dregs of humanity really tried hard to get mean people to call non-Clint Eastwood looking people "toons," folks, and they haven't stopped trying to this very day; hence, Caperella's daily "CAR TOON!" idiocy.  And by the way, you KUSC weirdos, the word tune is actually not supposed to be pronounced like toon... try saying "two-yoon" very fast and you'll get the correct pronunciation. 

Gail Eichenthal-2 (80K) And as long as I'm handing out girl scout brownie buttons here, let me take advantage of this golden opportunity to quickly give the chucktrevino.com MEAN PEOPLE SUCK award to another KUSC suctorial mean person named Gail Eichenthal.  Here's a nice picture of this beautiful woman; I'm not being facetious here... when it comes to being beautiful on the inside and on the outside, this excellent young lady has to take top honors.  It gives me great pride in being a human being (if indeed I am one) to relate how I was lying in bed one afternoon drifting off to sleep while listening to a beautiful classical toon, when my pleasant thoughts were interrupted by this woman's lovely musical voice (imagine a shrew hissing and chortling while it's devouring a much larger but still helpless mouse or rat and you'll get a pretty good idea of what this diamond girl sounds like) describing in lengthy and vivid detail, for some strange reason, the ugly physiognamy of an unfortunate and obscure musician suitor who got jilted by another insignificant, lost-to-history mean bitch of a woman.  The reasons I took issue with this little bit of absurdity are listed as follows:

SS-DG's Jimi Pic (82K) 1.   I've noticed that this is a common practice among the SS/DG things that control our country's media outlets, this conjuring up of completely unknown, unimportant small-time nobodies to showcase said nobody's incredibly mean, meaningless and pointless caricatures of some of the SS/DG's more unfortunate enemies, people who are often thousands of times more talented and famous, and are also much nicer human beings, than the SS/DG's (they remind me of some of those sick fuxx that like to immortalize their enemies by putting ugly gargoyles resembling said enemies high up on the proud walls of their noble dwelling places);  and also...

2.   This aforementioned unattractive person whom Gail was describing sounded as if he looked a lot like... well, like Charles!  Which made me wonder, what did I do to the very lovely Ms. Eichenthal that caused her to retaliate in such a manner?  But don't worry, I must have done something real bad, otherwise she wouldn't have said those nice things on the classic, globally-broadcast KUSC, now would she?  Oh, I'm just being paranoid... surely she wasn't meaning to insult me, myself.  Let's just assume she was having a bad-hair day or something, and needed to vent her very important displeasure for the entire world to hear, in that... voice.  NOTE:  Gail has started to use a much "sweeter" tone lately, for some mysterious reason.  Perhaps she saw God, or maybe Satan or someone like that, and decided to change her toon.

v6 (55K) Anyone getting sick of all this yet?  Ok, let's take a breather and talk about another, somewhat less sadistic KUSC radio announcer named Brian Lauritzen, pictured here to the right.  As you can see, he is not as good-looking as his three above-mentioned co-workers; perhaps this is why he's not as classy as they are in his utterations.  I don't want to write anything real bad about Brian; actually, he has the voice of a nice guy.  In fact, if you listen between the lines, Brian seems to try to rush through the occasional "slight" which he is required to say as gingerly as possible, as if he really doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelings (unlike Rich Caperella, who seems to absolutely relish reading his veiled and not-so-veiled cruelties).  This brings up an interesting point, mainly:  why should a nice guy who understandably wants to bring excellent, beautiful classical music (or any other kind of music for that matter) into people's lives be required to say questionable things written by unseen unaccountable scumbags who absolutely love manipulating good people?

nrd (171K) I'll tell you why... it's because radio stations like KUSC think they can eternally get away with this outrageous sh!t!  Well, perhaps they should think again.  There is a sea change coming folks, and people like... well, whoever it is that's responsible for this outrage are soon going to find themselves in a rather observably exposed position.  How soon?  Just as soon as people like Charles can ascertain their identities and blow them out of the frickin' water, with all their hyenic friends on-board too.  A little word of warning to these soon-to-be crowned jewels:  If you don't stop feeding guys like Jim Schvedja your stupid-ass cue cards to obediently, enthusiastically and sickeningly read on their radio shows, if you keep on making nice people like Brian Lauritzen repeat your evil disgusting "this is your CAR  TOON!" crap, you are going to see me go ALL THE WAY OFF, you motherfricks, and you'd all better know that when I get mad I get really mad A-holes, and that's not good for you!  I am really crazy-busy right now but soon I won't be so tied-up, and I promise to devote a good deal of my time to bringing you out into the light of day where I can kick your disgusting little simp jerk asses but good, you contemptible little maggot leech worms, and I'm not fooling around anymore!  You've had this coming for a long time now and you know it.

No really, web surfers, I am feeling extremely nauseous just writing about these incredibly obtuse jerks; I don't wanna' do this anymore, and I fear that you may be getting car-toon-sick also, so we're going to wrap this up fast.  Actually people, I'm not done with KUSC, especially with Shavaduh, or SheVeyDa, or Oy Vay Duh, or whatever that brick calls himself... but I really must go and toss my cookies now, after which I'll quit for the evening, get some dinner and sleep, and start again in earnest tomorrow.

I want to thank all concerned for very kindly letting me vent out.  I'll be giving you another free song or music video or something very soon, to make up for all of this unpleasantness.  Stay tooned for Part Two of this evil diatribe, and whatever you do, don't worry!  Charles is gonna' take care of business now, yessiree.  I am really mad now.

Heh-heh... see you guys later!  Byyyyyeeee!  Oh, before I leave, let me quote a little piece of KUSC's pledge of honorable conduct here, for your edification.  Here are KUSC's own words!  (Italics are added by Charles.)


"The freedom of public media professionals to make editorial decisions without undue influence is essential.  It is rooted in America’s commitment to free speech and a free press.  It is reflected in the unique and critical media roles that federal, state, and local leaders have encouraged and respected across the years.  It is affirmed by the courts.

Public broadcasters have adopted shared principles to strengthen the trust and integrity that communities expect of valued public service institutions.

Public media organizations contribute to a strong civil society and active community life, provide access to knowledge and culture, extend education, and offer varied viewpoints and sensibilities.

Trust is equally fundamental.  Public media organizations create and reinforce trust through rigorous, voluntary standards for the integrity of programming and services, fundraising, community interactions, and organizational governance.

These standards of integrity apply to all the content public media organizations produce and present, regardless of subject matter, including news, science, history, information, music, arts, and culture.  These standards apply across all public media channels and platforms – broadcasting, online, social media, print, media devices, and in-person events.

Public media, individually and collectively:

Contribute to communities’ civic, educational, and cultural life by presenting a range of ideas and cultures and offering a robust forum for discussion and debate.

Commit to accuracy and integrity in the pursuit of facts about events, issues, and important matters that affect communities and people’s lives.

Pursue fairness and responsiveness in content and services, with particular attention to reflecting diversity of demography, culture, and beliefs.

Aim for transparency in news gathering, reporting, and other content creation and share the reasons for important editorial and programming choices.


Encourage understanding of fundraising operations and practices, acknowledge program sponsors, and disclose content-related terms of sponsor support.

Maintain respectful and accountable relationships with individual and organizational contributors.

Seek editorial partnerships and collaborations to enhance capacity, perspective, timeliness, and relevance and apply public media standards to these arrangements.

Expect employees to uphold public media’s integrity in their personal as well as their professional lives, understanding that employee actions, even when “off the clock,” affect trust, integrity, credibility, and impartiality.

Promote the common good, the public interest, and these commitments to INTEGRITY AND TRUSTWORTHINESS in organizational governance, leadership, and management.

The Public Media Code of Integrity was developed by the Affinity Group Coalition and the Station Resource Group, collectively representing public television and radio stations and service organizations from across the country, with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting."

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All text Copyright 2018 by Charles Adrian Trevino.  The opinions expressed herein are bound to get me in even more trouble with these sickies, but man I am beyond caring anymore.  Therefore, to quote a traffic street sign that I saw today:  NO STOPPING ANY TIME.  This be chucktrevino.com.